Wednesday, October 21, 2009

J Bennett Fitts

A while back I saw Fitts' show Industrial Landscape[ing] at the Kopeikin Gallery. I was very impressed.  I think what sold me was the simplicity. The baby tree's take on personality in the otherwise void landscape. There is a subtle loneliness to many of the photographs.  What I really liked is that I had seen these places before, which is common to his photography but never stopped to appreciate the simplicity.  They are well composed and the color themes are great.


Thursday, October 15, 2009


My friend just showed me this artist.  I am a little in love.  His stuff is a strange mixture of M.C Escher and Gorey.  Please check out his website.  I have a feeling I am a bit late to join this bandwagon, as the video is from over a year ago.  But if you haven't heard of him, check him out.  If you have, see what he's up to now.  Good Stuff!

Monday, October 05, 2009

The Beginning

This is the beginning of what I hope to be a very good thing.  I have decided to create this blog as a cheap way to have a website to post my art, chronicle my work, discuss what interests me, and what motivates me.  If you find yourself here, understand while I am attempting to make this accessible and enjoyable to look it, it is made for my own interest.  I have a hard time viewing my work in a non-objective manner.  I would like to be able to understand where I come from, what I enjoy and where I want to go to.  So bear with me, and I hope you enjoy.